About us

All information about our company and its activities can be found here

Licenses and permissions

Our company has a unique portfolio of permits for the main specializations of works and services issued
EMERCOM of Russia, Rostekhnadzor of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, Ministry of Health of Russia, Federal Security Service of Russia, as well as full
a package of Certificates and Certificates such as: SRO certificates, Accreditation certificate for metrology, Accreditation certificate
in metrology, Certificate GOST ISO 14001, Certificate GOST ISO 9001-2015.

Our contacts
г. Москва, Бережковская набережная,16А стр.3
пн-пт с 9 до 18
Отдел сервисного обслуживания
г. Дубна, ул. Университетская, д. 11, стр. 14
пн-пт с 9 до 18
Отдел сервисного обслуживания

г. Москва info@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Санкт-Петербург spb@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Краснодар krd@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Казань kzn@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Омск oms@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Новосибирск nsk@ecohimpribor.ru

г. Иркутск irk@ecohimpribor.ru

    Contact us